Everyday needs to be something. We all have days better and worse than others. Some days everything is “clicking” the way we want. Some days are bogged down with activities, tasks, chores, and work that we would rather not do. But, we have only one life (YOLO, y’all). We have 24 hours each day. Today, I will be at my part-time “day job” for most of it. Some people would chalk today up as a “wasted” day. Especially with the freezing rain we had overnight. But isn’t that mindset self-defeating? Doesn’t that rationalize many days as “lost days” in which …
Tag: habit
Consistency — make it easy, make it a habit
Creating a new blog website is case in point #1 of building consistency. I had no consistency for my last website. It made no sense. I kind of put random things everywhere. It was unorganized. It looked like some kid from the ’90s slapped it together. I want a way to start blogging efficientl. I want to be able to write and put it online. I want consistency. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice (graphic link). You get good from practice. Through practice you improve and become better. The easier it is to do something, the more likely …