My principles to live by

christian lautenschleger principles

Principles to live by, because I don’t want to say “rule” on principle. I totally took this idea of Simon Fraser, and it’s a good one because by writing things down, we’re more likely to follow through, accomplish, and live by them. Writing down principles or rules helps us to live them. It holds ourselves accountable. It also draws accountability from people who read our principles — positive social pressure. If you want something to be done, you have to write it and let the world know. Principles Make everyday count Trust your gut Listen to your body Everyday is …

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Practice: How we get to Carnegie Hall

practice christian lautenschleger

How do we get to Carnegie Hall? Practice. (That’s a fun one to ask to see the reactions of people’s faces, ha.) Most humans have comparable talent levels. We may have different physical attributes, but we’re mostly together mentally to reach comparable achievements. The difference comes in how we’re raised, social community, and our mindset — we have to want it. To reach the upper echelons, we nearly have to dedicate our lives to it, such as playing at Carnegie Hall. Sure, there are prodigies that reach the pinnacle, but there are also people who practiced their way to the …

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Listen to your body: the key for healthy running

vitruvian man listen to your body christian lautenschleger

We run more to run faster. The more we’re able to run, the more we’re able to able to train, which means the more fit our bodies become. There’s a problem. Overtraining, niggles, dehydration, fatigue, and much more. It takes an experienced runner to know how much we can safely run before our bodies turn against us. The most important thing to learn about running is the ability to listen to your body and know what it’s telling us. My most important piece of advice is to listen to our bodies. It means if our body doesn’t feel like it’s ready …

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Our Subconscious: everything becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

subconscious christian lautenschleger

I’ve heard people bitch about “that’s just a self-fulling prophecy.” One such person was a college roommate. He’d complain about something becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy while he’d watch sci-fi movies all day at his desk. Instead of doing something for himself, he’d passive-aggressively project. His subconscious already decided that he couldn’t do it. Once we convince ourselves we can’t do something, it’s hard to reverse it. Everything we do becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People who have convinced themselves that they can break down walls, barriers, or ceilings are the same people who achieve whatever they want because they’ve already convinced …

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5 by 5 rule: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

5 by 5 rule christian lautenschleger

The amount of people sweating the small stuff never ceases to astonish. Whether it be our jobs, our family, our hobby, or something that we came across will making the Monday commute — something seems to put us over the edge. Why though? The world may be full of many temporary inconveniences, but few things matter longer than the immediate present. Live the 5 by 5 rule. The 5 by 5 rules simply states that if something won’t matter in 5 years, but spend more than 5 minutes upset about it. Don’t be a drama queen. Don’t create unnecessary stress. …

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Get stuff done hack, easier life?

Want to get stuff done? Even really mentally tedious tasks? There’s a simple way to get stuff done and that is to simply make them easy and accessible. Make it routine. Make it accessible. And make it as “fun” as possible. We don’t like doing tasks that suck. We especially don’t like doing task that suck that eat a lot of time. The easier the chore is to do, the more likely it will be to do. The total opposite is also true. Want to stop watching so much TV? Hide the remote. Want to curve on the amount of …

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Persistence: too stubborn to quit

Persistence: one of the greatest attributes of those who become successful and go far in life. It’s timely for me, because of tendinitis issues I’ve had in my foot, ankle, and lower leg (I really did a number on myself a few weeks ago). It’s persistence to a fault regarding some things, but not giving up is a strength. We’ve all heard the stories of Thomas Edison failing time after time creating the light bulb. But did he really fail? No. He used his persistence until he got the bulb to work. If we really want to make something happen, …

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Resolutions for next year? Let’s do this instead

calendar christian lautenschleger

It’s time for resolutions! New year, new me! Instead, why not try to do everything we can each day? The consistency of doing everything we can each and every day pays more dividends than making trendy resolutions we can’t and won’t keep. Don’t believe me? Ask a gym owner. We can only do what we can during the present moment. Which actually becomes a lot. It may not seem like it, but work on a blog a little bit each day, or work out once per day, or read a chapter in a book once per day then over time …

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Waking up early to maximize our days

waking up early morning sunrise christian lautenschleger

The sun is still waking up, but I’m up. I start to write my second blog post of the day before we’re able to play a game of catch outside. Waking up early has a habit of extremely productivity, for those who practice it. They say that morning birds are the productive people of society. They’re not wrong. Waking up early means starting our days when it’s calm, void of distractions, and as a way to jump starts our productivity. Above all, it adds time to our days. Waking up early – hours before sunrise – means we have extra …

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Da Vinci only had 24 hours in a day

clock christian lautenschleger

How do some people get so much done? They must have extra time in their lives! No, actually, no one days. Everyone has the same exact numbers of hours each day. Although, some people have much better time management execution than others. Knowing how to use our time wisely takes skill, practice, and execution. I have a friend, Chad, who says he never has “time to kill” because he always finds a way to productively use his time. If we think about that, that makes sense. A hour “to kill” per day becomes seven hours per week. A few minutes …

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