How to instantly start a business?
Step 1. Think of an idea
Step 2. Start a business.

It’s that simple. If it’s an obsession, passion, or calling, we start now. If there’s a new show to binge on Netflix, we bet our asses those aficionados start binging now, not next week. Those two steps are all it takes. We can read “20 GREAT BUSINESS IDEAS!”, but if none of them peak our interest today, do we really think we’ll start tomorrow? For those who’ve been in the startup circle, we know there’s too much that goes into starting a business from stratch to not be obsessed with it. Some say it’s unhealthy, but some walks of life require it.
If we need more motivation, we don’t have a business — we have an idea, we have a hope. Every “entrepreneur” has great ideas — just ask them. But if we don’t want to start a business today, we don’t really have a business. If we’re “busy” people now and have that great idea, then we won’t find time to start that great idea later. If the idea is our “passion”, we’ll start it today. We’ll do something today, because tomorrow never comes.
Does it need to be an aforementioned “passion?” Maybe maybe not. But it does need our undivided attention. If we have multiple projects going on, how effectively can we execute each? If we’re not dedicated to them, they probably won’t get off the ground because they get put off to the side from work, family life, personal life, or other projects.
Focus. A “well-round person” sounds like the battle cry to justify liberal arts in colleges. We need to focus. If we’ve changed ideas five times this past week we probably aren’t ready to launch that company.
“Entrepreneurship is jumping off a cliff and building an airplane on the way down.” We officially become entrepreneurs when we understand that quote. Entrepreneurship is sexy today. But it requires massive action and self-motivation. If we’re not motivated to take massive action today, and later on when it seems nothing is happening, then don’t start. I can tell you from working in the startup world that there are good days and bad days; there is a lot of energy, but it comes and goes because we’re trying to grow a new business. The highs can be high and the lows can be low. If we’re not motivated, the low day may be our last. If we want it to work, we always have to show up.