Three words for 2017 — what are yours?

Three words for 2017. (Apparently each word has its own meaning, so no phrases with taxing prepositions.) My mom sent me this link a few days ago discussing three words to guide us through 2017. After a little bit of careful deliberation, I arrived at my three. Accomplish Ideas are dime a dozen, especially for me. I can think of quite a few things I can and want to do, but actually finishing them is a whole, different story. One of my three words for 2017 is “accomplish” because I don’t want to leave things halfway done — I want …

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Tendinitis: Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face

tendinitis christian lautenschleger

My seemingly never-ending tendinitis saga created another setback. If you recall, I previously posted about missing running. It’s turned from out a few weeks to hopefully only a month more before I can go. Ugh, soft tissue injuries. The ones that we’re not sure if we’ll be out a few days or nagging us for months. Recovery runs are those that actually help us when our muscles are sore after hard runs or races. We really don’t have anything for tendinitis. Rest and recovery are generally what the doctor orders for tendinitis (I haven’t seen one; but have done lots …

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Persistence: too stubborn to quit

Persistence: one of the greatest attributes of those who become successful and go far in life. It’s timely for me, because of tendinitis issues I’ve had in my foot, ankle, and lower leg (I really did a number on myself a few weeks ago). It’s persistence to a fault regarding some things, but not giving up is a strength. We’ve all heard the stories of Thomas Edison failing time after time creating the light bulb. But did he really fail? No. He used his persistence until he got the bulb to work. If we really want to make something happen, …

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